Fabian Kraft
Due to his experience in company set-up as well as his function as a purchaser at a well-known
energy supplier, at an early stage Fabian Kraft was able to get to know the interaction of lean
processes and efficiency in the area of supply chain as a necessary and important pillar of a company.
In 2016 he started at RAJA Germany in the areas of key account sales and project purchasing. Since
2019, as Head of National Key Accounts, he has been supporting a wide range of major projects from
proposal preparation to implementation. He is involved in the implementation and development of
e-procurement solutions for customers and the analysis of optimization potentials of the supply
chain in the area of packaging and warehouse equipment. In the beginning of 2022 he took over the
position as head of purchasing.
RAJA Germany is part of the RAJA Group, which has been operating since 1954 and is the European
market leader in B2B mail order for packaging materials and warehouse and business equipment. To
develop innovative solutions, RAJA relies on close cooperation with its suppliers as well as on
interdisciplinary consulting competence towards the customer. RAJA focuses on the sustainability of
the packaging solutions as well as service orientation throughout the company.