9th & 10th October 2024 in Düsseldorf

Sabine Bingenheimer-Zimmermann

Sabine Bingenheimer-Zimmermann

Sabine Bingenheimer-Zimmermann

Die Produktfabrik - REGIONIQUE

Sabine Bingenheimer-Zimmermann is working in the food industry since her economics studies. She has a broad knowledge in product development as well as innovation management. In huge companies like Suedzucker and Merck she worked efficient in leading positions. During her jobs Sabine has already positioned several brands successfully. With The Produktfabrik GmbH she founded her own company consulting other companies on their way to more sustainability. Additionally she launched with her brand REGIONIQUE high-quality food with every single step transparent as well as sustainable.

Sabine Bingenheimer-Zimmermann and many more register for the Logistics Summit now!