Lena Weigele
WEIGELE Executive Business Coaching & Consulting
Lena Weigele is a Top Expert for Global Supply Chain Management & Logistics.
She supports companies in building resilient, efficient and sustainable (global) Supply Chains and
Supply Chain organizations while increasing customer satisfaction. As an engineer, she has a comprehensive range of skills and experience along the entire supply chain.
This also includes multi-project management across different areas, cultures and company levels.
Her portfolio also includes global transformation and change projects, development and
implementation of a global supply chain strategy, supply chain footprint restructuring and
sustainability concepts with regard to green logistics.
In addition, she is an Executive Business Coach and Sparring Partner for Managers up to C-level who
strive for sovereignty, standing and strength - skills for which she herself has developed effective
tools and procedures through her many years of work at management level and several Coaching
trainings. She is a strong companion for her customers, who navigates them confidently on their way
to success through all their challenges.