Dr. Philipp Hüning
Already during his school days, Philipp brainstormed on business ideas with friends. After consciously attending lectures on entrepreneurship and business management during his logistics studies, he co-founded doks. Innovation (drones for Stocktaking) in 2017 while working at Fraunhofer IML and sold his shares in 2019. In October 2021, Philipp successfully completed his PhD about the Europallet ecosystem alongside his full-time job. Philipp brings both business and leadership experience into the Logistikbude from his work as a team leader and deputy department head at Fraunhofer. In addition, he has a large network in logistics thanks to his studies and numerous projects, trade fairs and acquisitions during his time at Fraunhofer. Philipp assumes the role of CEO at Logistikbude where he is responsible for the company's management and takes care of strategy and sales in particular.